Friday, 13 November 2009

What pottery maker stamps AL at the bottom of their pottery?

The AL mark is inside a large circle and has a flower above the bottom 'line' of the capitol L. Does anyone know who the maker is?

What pottery maker stamps AL at the bottom of their pottery?
I had a look at this site

and AL is not listed, which leaves me to think it isn't British, unless...

Is there any other mark at all? I have a couple of Royal Doulton vases from about 1905 which have a very faint Royal Doulton stamp and very clear initials. I looked for the initials and couldn't find them, then realised I'd overlooked the stamp.

Good luck.
Reply:Living in Stoke-on-Trent, the home of the Potteries, the initials don't sound familiar.

Do you have any idea of the age of the piece, as many small pottery firms went out of business in the post-war period.

The two other possibilities are that it is a piece of St. Ives pottery, or that it is the mark of an individual potter rather than a pottery firm.

Please let me know if you find anything more out.
Reply:Do you know how to go to heaven? you have to ask Jesus into your heart as your personal savior. just say to yourself Lord please forgive me of my sins and come into my heart. dont wait to long to say it because if you die you wont be to happy. and if you say there's no such thing as God and heaven and hell then let me tell you this what happens if you die and there is a God and there is a heaven and hell. its better to be safe than sorry!


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