Saturday, 14 November 2009

What is the red-flowering tree in the Dallas/Fort Worth area?

I just got back from a business trip to the Dallas/Fort Worth area in Texas. One of the first things I noticed was the beautiful red-flowering trees that seemed to be used very extensively for landscaping. It lined many of the roads and driveways. I haven't had any luck coming up with it's name using internet searches... what is this beautiful tree?

What is the red-flowering tree in the Dallas/Fort Worth area?
The trees are more than likely, "Arapaho" Crape Myrtles. This variety is one of only two "true" red crape myrtles. They grow well throughout Texas and the south.. Here is a link for you to compare the pics..

**Billy Ray**
Reply:Thanks for choosing a best answer. Nice to have an asker respond back, instead of just disappearing. The Arapaho is very cold hardy and you shouldn't have a problem in NH. Report It

Reply:That is Crepe Myrtle. Roots in water. Only blooms on new growth in spring/early summer. Many colors besides red.
Reply:yes that is definitly a ''crepe-myrtyle''....beautiful trees i have a pink one and it is stunning....
Reply:crape myrtle?
Reply:I've not seen trees with red flowers in north Texas. But many landscapers use trees with reddish leaves that have also have flowers on them.

Two of them are called "photinia", and, appropriately enough, "redbud". Redbuds also can have dark pink flowers, if that's what you're thinking.

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