Friday, 13 November 2009

I am looking for an old song which contains the line," I envy every flower in your garden"?

My mother is 94 and she says she can remember her grandmother singing this song

I am looking for an old song which contains the line," I envy every flower in your garden"?
There is an old poem by Henry Dyke called A lover's envy - it goes like this:

I envy every flower that blows

Along the meadow where she goes,

And every bird that sings to her,

And every breeze that brings to her

The fragrance of the rose.

I envy every poet's rhyme

That moves her heart at eventime,

And every tree that wears for her

Its brightest bloom, and bears for her

The fruitage of its prime.

I envy every Southern night

That paves her path with moonbeams white,

And silvers all the leaves for her,

And in their shadow weaves for her

A dream of dear delight.

I envy none whose love requires

Of her a gift, a task that tires:

I only long to live to her,

I only ask to give to her

All that her heart desires.

Perhaps someone put it to a tune?

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